Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Trip down ER lane

Since my trip to the ER I have been in a quandary as to what to write. This is only my second emergency trip in 55 years. That’s pretty good! But it also makes such a trip rather salient in the memory. How did I act, what did I say, what did this really mean, what should I be learning from this experience - all swirl around in my head with oh my gosh what if it happens again!

Several things stand out in my mind:

The comfort of family gathered around. What a blessing to see and feel the evidence of known love and sensed prayers. Thanks to all of you who eased that day.

The Fear Factor. Nothing compares to the imminent realization of mortality and the pain that accompanies it. Nothing. This week the still small voice said, “But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.” I forget so easily His way and rejoice that He gently reminds me … this is not of Me.

The intense desire to be reading something that is soul filling. John Piper’s Legacy of Sovereign Joy is my current passion. It focuses my mind off myself: always a good idea.

An attitude of kindness towards myself. So I take long baths and ignore the kitchen, I eat chocolate and ignore the scale. I say no more, and don’t always finish all my tasks at work immediately. Reverse discipline is sometimes harder! But it is helping. I might just continue this kindness and extend it more to those around me.

So, if you need a little kindness, give yourself a break. Bring your suit, come on over and we'll share some cookie dough in the hot tub.


At 11:58 AM, Blogger ~ jessica said...

I am adding my prayers, too. But you are always in my thoughts.

Love J

At 6:23 PM, Blogger jennylou said...

An attitude of kindness towards yourself is always a good idea! I had been having these awful outbreaks of anger at our noisy neighbor, traffic, any unpleasant surprise--serious anger with profanity (in my head if not said out loud, which is just as bad), and a faster heartbeat, flushed face. I've started taking mini-breaks in the day and reading or praying for a few minutes at night and my angry outbursts are slowly going away. I think our hearts and bodies need our kindness! When we don't slow down and act kindly towards ourselves they let us know it! I love you.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger flyseller said...

Suit, who needs a suit?


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