Monday, March 20, 2006


The symbol , called "infinity", denotes an unbounded limit.

If you take the symbol of infinity and build a model of it in 3 dimensions, then put a toy train track on it the train will never have to stop. It is the picture of infinity - or eternity – no beginning or ending.

In Jewish thinking 8 is a special day. It is the day after creation – what comes after – it denotes the world after this or the coming of the Messiah to change this world.

Turn the symbol for infinity on it side and what do you get – an 8.

Our 3 dimensional thinking limits our ability to ‘see’ what God’s world is like because his ‘timeline’ includes time as a dimension which is flexible and acts on our 3 dimensions in a way we can barely get our minds to wrap around.

Just as in 2 dimensions ‘infinity’ is nothing more than an 8 on its side.


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